Consider the crowns to be won,


Morning Meditation 


there is:



      "For mindful servants - Those that love His appearing!"

A  We can get this crown for faithfully walking with the Lord - vs  (I Jn 2:28)

B  We can get this crown for faithfully working for the Lord - vs  (II Tim 4:7)


(2)  A CROWN OF LIFE! - (Jam 1:12)

      "For martyred saints - Those that are Faithful unto death!"

A  We can get this crown for patiently enduring - vs  (I Cor 10:13)  (Heb 11:32-35)

B  We can get this crown for faithfully dying - vs  (Acts 7:59-60) (Heb 11:36-39)


(3)  A CROWN OF GLORY! - (I Pet 5:4)

      "For model shepherds - Those that are ensamples to the flock!"

A  Elders can get this crown for faithfully feeding the flock - vs  (I Pet 5:1-2)

B  Elders can get this crown for faithfully leading the flock - vs  (I Pet 5:3)


Consider a crown we will never have to wear:


(1)  THE CROWN OF THORNS! - (Mk 15:17)

       "Worn by Jesus the Christ - The Messiah, our Saviour!"


God Bless,

Rick Stucke